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Masterclass: How to level up from Employee to Entrepreneur

This is a masterclass for female founders who have made the transition from being employed by someone else to running their own business. When you create a startup, there can be an adjustment period after becoming the CEO of your own company and being responsible for making all the decisions. This session will empower you with strategies to support this transition in becoming an empowered entrepreneur.   


Patricia Kaziro is on a mission to create 1000 high impact businesses by 2030 through The Impact Business School.

With a focus on mentoring entrepreneurs to discover their purpose through impactful business, Patricia’s expertise guides women consciously creating social and eco change to step into their strengths and build better businesses that are impactful, sustainable, and profitable. 

As a branding expert for entrepreneurs who want to make a positive difference in the world, Patricia thrives on guiding creatives and changemakers to take their purpose to the world and build the go-to product for their industry.

Using her diverse professional background and postgraduate studies in Business Commercialisation and Education (Social Ecology) and Sociology, in 2016 Patricia established Radiate Coaching to support women to build a legacy through social and eco impact in their business.  Patricia launched a unique Speaker Series that gives women the platform to speak about their learnings and experiences as impact entrepreneurs and her vision is to deliver innovative and inclusive learning opportunities for women who want more than a traditional business institution can offer.

July 7

Accelerator AMA

August 19

Panel: The Bootstrapped Startup: Growing Revenue over Funding