Introducing Atto Aspire Pre-Accelerator Program

We’ve excited to kick off 2022 with a brand new pre-accelerator program: Atto Aspire.

The program is for aspiring founders who are in the very first stages of developing their startup idea.

The goal of the program is to help a founder from defining their problem and idea, to customer discovery, branding, and a landing page or lean MVP in 8-weeks.

  • Do you have a passion for a certain industry?

  • Do you have big ambitions to create a business?

  • Do you need help to narrow your focus?

Atto Aspire is an 8-week online program that will run from March 2nd, 2022 until April 20, 2022.

Find out more about the program, Atto, our founders and educators below.

About Atto Aspire Pre-Accelerator

The Atto Aspire program is suited for future founders who know they want to build a business, so they’ve got big ambitions but not necessarily a defined idea.

This is an 8-week online program for very early-stage founders who want support to make the first steps to create an MVP. These founders will be pre-launch and wanting to learn in a supportive environment how to validate their ideas.

Atto Aspire is an entirely remote program meaning it’s suitable for founders in regional Australia and New Zealand.

The program is designed to empower aspiring founders with everything they need to define their product problem, assess their market, validate their ideas with customers, build a brand, develop a landing page or MVP (minimal viable product), understand key startup metrics, learn how to pitch your idea, and a chance to showcase what they’ve worked on.

Over the 8-weeks, founders will get access to:

  • Weekly online 90min workshops on Wednesdays 10.30am AEDT, from March 2nd, 2022 until April 20, 2022

  • Community Masterminds where fellow founders will help share motivation and insights after taking action on their ideas

  • Office Hours & Q&A sessions with the Atto team to solve problems, keep you working smart towards your goals and on track

  • An internal group showcase where founders will present what they’ve achieved over the program

Applications are open now until Sunday 23 February 2022.

Read more about Atto, the program and where to find out more below.


About Atto

Atto is a new school for the next generation of female entrepreneurs. Founded in 2019, Atto has supported +70 female founders to build scalable, sustainable and independent businesses.

Atto was created by Kate Kendall, a serial entrepreneur, community builder, startup coach and advisor. After building multiple companies, including the investor-backed talent marketplace CloudPeeps, Kate realised there are multiple ways to build a sustainable business and created Atto to support more women in entrepreneurship.

Backed by LaunchVic and supported by world-class educators, Atto is focused on empowering women with focus, clarity and actionable insights to build a business on their terms.

Atto’s flagship 12-week Accelerator program will run in the second half of the year. It’s a more comprehensive program for founders who have a clear idea of the problem they want to solve and are looking for support to scale. Interested in our Accelerator later in the year or monthly Academy membership? Submit an EOI here.

Find out more about:

Atto Aspire Pre-Accelerator FAQ

In a coming video interview, Atto’s founder Kate Kendall is going to answer all the common questions we get about our programs and she’ll outline how this program is different from our previous accelerators.

Here you can watch Kate explain why she started Atto, what happens during Atto programs, what ideas we look for, and how to define a tech-based business. Watch How to Build Your Tech Startup with Kate here.

Do you have questions about the Atto Aspire Pre-Accelerator program?

Send us a message at and we’ll send you the answers.

Atto Founders

With 70+ female founder graduates so far, after completing our programs Atto founders have gone onto launch tech products, get thousands of customers, and funding.

Some founders have joined our programs with just a passion to serve an industry and Atto has helped them to narrow their focus and develop their first product. Other founders have joined our programs with a problem they’ve wanted to solve and Atto has helped them to build the first version of their product, get customers and launch.

Find out more about:

Atto Educators

In the Atto Aspire Pre-Accelerator, founders will participate in action-focused workshops designed to empower them to take action and make progress towards creating their dream business.

All Atto educators are selected based on their proven experience as founders, operators or investors. Our Educators are offered compensation for their time which allows for the best quality education passed onto our founders from their greater diversity of experiences.

For the Atto Aspire Pre-Accelerator, the Atto team are joined by world-class educators. Atto’s founder Kate Kendall and Atto’s Program Manager Lana Weal will be leading two of the sessions, and external educators joining them are: Cheryl Gledhill from Zip co, Joel Goyette, Romy Misra, Jenn Vargas from Zendesk, and Cheryl Mack from Aussie Angels.

Previous program educators include Hiten Shah (Kissmetrics), Holly Cardew (Picx & Carted), Alan Jones (M8 Ventures), Jon Williams (CultureAmp & Pyn), Samantha Wong (Blackbird & Startmate), Matt Allen (Tractor Ventures), Aubrey Blance (Culture Amp), Peta Ellis (Tribe Global) and more as well as the Atto HQ team - Kate Kendall, Sian Simpson and Lana Weal.

Find out more about:


Are you a female founder with a tech based business?


How to build your tech startup with Atto: AMA with Kate Kendall


Women starting up differently & other female founder news: Jan 2022